"At least eight dead" during a shooting in the Pittsburgh Synagogue | Overseas


Police shot and killed the suspect on the third floor of the Tree of Life synagogue. The injured shooter has surrendered. CBS reports

According to local media, four people were killed on the ground floor of the building and at least four in the basement.

Police are present on a large scale and the area has been closed. The shooter also opened fire on the emergency services. Four officers were injured.

See also:

Trump: the synagogue responsible for security was wrong

According to the AP news agency, a circumcision ceremony was going on in the synagogue.

According to the police, KDKA had several phone calls from people who had entrenched themselves in the Jewish house of worship.


US President Donald Trump says he's following the situation. "It seems that several victims have fallen, beware of the shooter," he wrote on Twitter.

Later, he spoke about the security of the synagogue. When asked if stricter rules should be applied to possession of weapons, he replied that if the synagogue was better secured, many things would have ended.

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