Authorities knew the attacker Melbourne had been radicalized Now


The security services had previously been monitoring the man who had killed a man Friday in the Australian city of Melbourne during a terrorist attack.

The man stabbed a knife on Friday and filled his car with gas bottles. caught fire. The car did not finally explode. The attacker died at the hospital after the police shot him down.

Hassan Khalif Shire Ali. The Somali passport was invalidated in 2015, after an investigation had shown that he was about to visit Syria. Although the services found that he had been radicalized, they later decided that he was not a threat to national security.

The author's brother was arrested in November of last year. The police suspected him of planning an attack in Melbourne during the New Year. He is stuck in the anticipation of a lawsuit.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Saturday that the likelihood of a terrorist attack in Australia remains "likely". The third of the five threat levels in the country

The prime minister said in a reaction that radical Islam posed a threat to his country. "I am the first to defend religious freedom in this country, but it also means that I am the first to name religious extremism," according to Morrison.

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