Avanaysa wins the Talent project


The talent project has a winner. After 100 days and six episodes, Avanaysa, 19, emerged victorious.

Avanaysa was allowed to open the final show, which set the tone.

Versus Anouk

In the end, the other finalists attacked Rick and Nelis, leaving Avanaysa alone in the final against the Anouk candidate. There, they both had to bring their version of a brand new number. The choice fell during this vocal clash on Avanaysa.


In front of the PNA, the new winner said she did not expect it: "I can not describe how I feel, I'm still in shock, I underestimate myself really very often and I know more I'm sure I should not underestimate myself, I'm ready for the Netherlands, I really want to show what I've got. "

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