Bad LED light leads to WiFi, radio and TV breakdowns


Some LED lamps may interfere with wireless connections in the home. This is indicated by a warning from the Radiocommunication Agency about which De Telegraaf writes. Energy-efficient LED lighting can cause problems with digital radio, television, telephone or Wi-Fi.

The regulatory body is launching a survey of fifty suppliers. If it turns out that certain types of LED lamps cause major disruptions, the agency can, in the most extreme cases, subtract the complete collection from the market.

only buy LED lamps and their fittings with a seal of approval. These products comply with legal standards

"Please note mounting and wiring"

The Radiocommunication Agency also recommends "buying good items". "Do not just look at the LED, pay attention to all of the installation, from mounting to wiring." The installation of lighting by professional installers can also help, says the regulator.

The agency dialogues with sellers of LED lamps. If they refuse to improve their products, the watchdog can intervene. "We know that there are still market insights that are not good," says the agency in its own magazine.

In recent years, more and more LED lamps have been sold in the Netherlands. In August, the information agency Milieu Centraal announced that LED lamps consume 75% less electricity than halogen lamps and 85% less than incandescent lamps. Yet these last two types are still present in most households.

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