Beautiful gives an apartment to homeless people Entertainment


"At Gerrie's, Alan and Marco, participants in the homelessness project in Amsterdam, I found that much of the story was just beginning. that when they found their own home ", according to Beau . "With the main problem: how do you keep this house, and how will you defend yourself in a society you have not been part of for so long?"

In The key to go where The Amsterdam Project and The Rotterdam Project ceases, the homeless do not receive money, but an apartment. With their own home and under the direction of a professional, the homeless have the chance to find a place in society.

The program is based on scientific research of Housing First an idea that has been and has achieved great success all over the world. Rokus Loopik, recovery trainer with whom Beau also works The Rotterdam Project adopted the principle of Housing First in the Netherlands. "It's our job to get the homeless out of the street and teach them how to help them as soon as they live somewhere." It's not much smarter, cheaper, and more Human that with Housing First, "according to Loopik. He sees the cooperation with Beau completely. "I have 200% confidence in cooperation with Beau, the people we will work with and the results of this program."

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