Belgians are allowed to remove condoms Abroad


"If people do not have the means and do not want pregnancy, it's important that they know where they can go.It's a right for everyone, even for those who have financial difficulties, "says Els Roegers (N-VA), member of the council


The Ghent Council of the CPAS, social authority of the municipality of Ghent, has week decided to extend the reimbursement of contraceptives.The women of Ghent could have been reimbursed for a certain time, an injection being made four times a year.

The same goes for condoms, the morning after pill and other contraceptives long-term such as diaphragm or sterilization The decision comes at the suggestion of the Gand N-VA.The CPAS, for example, has already adjusted the costs of contraception in Antwerp for some time

"Combating Poverty against the generation "

" It's a way of fight poverty, especially among children. Councilor Els Roegiers (N-VA). "If people do not have the resources and do not want pregnancy, it's important that they know where they can go.It's a right for everyone, even for those who have financial difficulties. "

" The choice belongs to the woman or to the man ", underlines the president of the CPAS, Rudy Coddens (SP.A). "Obviously, nothing is imposed on them, for example, a woman who already has three children and does not see a fourth child, or a man who wants to be sterilized but who has no means for it. "


The CPAS will not distribute condoms or people Just put money in it. "No, it does not work that way," says Coddens. "People should talk to a social worker or their doctor, then a claim must be submitted, everything is negotiable, but there are approval procedures."

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