Blok apologizes to Suriname and Curacao after controversial statements NOW


Blok, in his speech at a meeting for the Dutch working in international organizations, described Suriname as a failing state. The indication of "failing state" is usually reserved for countries where the government has lost its authority.

The Surinamese government reacted furiously and summoned the Dutch agent to express his indignation. Paramaribo sees the remarks as "destabilizing and denigrating" and even observes "a possible program of recolonization"

In a letter addressed to his Surinamese colleague Yldiz Pollack-Beighle, Blok repeated that he had made statements that he had made a number of statements. he "should not have done". He acknowledges that he's "expressed in sharp words". He says he's been researching "the sharpness of the discussion" and that he's used "illustrations that are unfortunate"

Blok thinks it's important to convey "a sincere apology" , given the great importance that I attach to the relationship with your country. The Netherlands wants to re-establish relations with Suriname for a long time and, for example, to exchange ambassadors.


The Minister also contacted the Prime Ministers of Aruba, Curaçao and Sint-Maarten to express his regret. They were angry because Blok represents them too and his slippages reflect on them. They were particularly concerned about Blok's claim that the multicultural society is not really successful.

All the countries that need it have now received explanations and / or excuses from Blok, his ministry reports. Whether this is the case for Poland and the Czech Republic, which he describes as countries full of xenophobia, the ministry does not want to say it


Blok reported earlier this week in a letter in the House that his statements were offensive. gave. In the letter, he does not distance himself from his statements

For the SP and the PvdA, Blok's explanation was insufficient. The left parties want the Recreation Chamber to ask Blok for clarification.

However, the coalition parties VVD, CDA, D66 and CU do not like it. They think that Blok's "apology letter" is sufficient. A possible debate after the summer holidays will not be blocked by the VVD, the D66 and the CU.

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