The case revolves around the pro-life Siriz organization. Previously, the opposition parties GroenLinks and PvdA were already questioning the working methods of this Christian club.
Siriz can be summoned by a pregnant woman if she struggles with a pregnancy and is considering an abortion, but according to GL and PvdA, Siriz too leads the aid interviews. Women in particular would be asked to refrain from abortion.
& # 39; Breaking the Border & # 39;
VVD and D66 also think that Blokhuis should be stricter, especially since it became clear yesterday that Siriz is administratively linked to an anti-abortion website the week of life. MP D66 Vera Bergkamp is ready to face this dubious interrelation. "Somewhere you have to draw a line," she says.
However, Blokhuis let her know that she wanted to talk with Siriz about the "guide" texts on the website, but that he wanted to keep the government subsidy for the club Christian help.
The issue of medical ethics strengthens the ties between the Liberal parties and the CU minister. "It's a shame," sighs Ockje Tellegen, VVD MP. D66 & er Bergkamp would have liked to see "more power of reflection" with the Secretary of State.
The two parties in the coalition are no longer left behind and are now submitting a plan that prevents humanitarian organizations from receiving subsidies if they participate in activities that pregnant women expect. send women when it comes to abortion. This plan can count on a majority of rooms.
See also:
GroenLinks and PvdA denounce a website on abortion
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