Blokhuis reaches a bargaining agreement main lines future mental health care | New


The man at the heart of the GGZ bargaining agreement

State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (VWS) has entered into agreements with health actors mental and social issues to improve the quality and accessibility of care. The ideal image for the future of mental health care on which the parties work is that people are listened to, receive the necessary help, tailored to their needs and that they are delivered promptly .

Everyone participates as much as possible

Blokhuis: "We want everyone, including people with mental health problems, to participate as much as possible in society without stigma." Modern Mental Health System This is the right kind of care in the right place, no one in the GGZ can do it alone, from professionals to experiential experts from all walks of life: everyone plays an important role. is very good news that we are in agreement with so many parties and continue to work together on a GGZ area of ​​which we can all be proud. "

More Experienced Expert Contributions [19659003] is widely appreciated. For many people, a conversation with someone who has experienced something, speaks the same language, is the main push for good help. Or it just helps to blow together, so that a situation does not worsen. It was therefore agreed to make greater use of experienced experts in the care and support of people with mental health problems. Next year, starting in 2019, an experience will begin to facilitate the financing of the deployment, among others, experienced experts. Wait Times and the Labor Market

To help reduce waiting times and alleviate the labor market problem in the area of ​​mental health care, the parties agreed: [19659009] VWS offers 150 additional training places for GZ psychologists available in 2019, also to help solve the shortage of controllers. These are placed above the 610 places that have already been made available on the basis of the Advisory Council's opinion.

  • Additional funds for training capacity will be available, or 20 million in 2019. For the following years, Corps of expected capacity
  • Professionals have the opportunity to undergo additional training
  • Available people are better used by a much lower regulatory pressure.
  • More Effective Care

    Contracts are the way to make agreements on efficiency, quality and innovation and good care in the right place. The parties have entered into agreements under this agreement concerning the improvement of mental health care contracting. The intention is that the scope of non-contractual care – if it is clearly ineffective – diminishes.

    The agreement also concludes agreements on the available macroeconomic framework. In 2017, the framework fell below 300 million euros. For the transition to be in the right place and to achieve the ambitions of this agreement, 50 million euros remain available for the sector. For example, for additional training capacity in 2019. Maximum volume growth of 1.3% in 2019 decreasing to 0.7% in 2022 is also available.

    This practically means – including the above 50 million and excluding salary and price adjustments – structurally, just over 200 million additional euros will be available for the mental health care sector from 2022


    • GGZ Nederland (GGZ NL)
    • National Platform MIND (19659011) Psychiatry (NVVP)
    • National Association of Independent Psychologists and Psychotherapists (LVVP)
    • Netherlands Institute of psychologists (NIP)
    • Federation of Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Pedagogues (P3NL)
    • Platform MEERGGZ
    • Nurses & Verzorgenden Nederland (V & VN)
    • InEen, association for front-line organizations [19659010] Federation of Child Careers (FO)
    • RIBW Alliance
    • Health Insurance Netherlands (ZN) [196590] 11] The Secretary of State for Health, Welfare and Wellnesssport (VWS)
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