Bram van der Vlugt celebrates his birthday with a jubilee performance


Vogel talks about Martinus, an old man who lives in an abandoned station building and looks back on his life with his grandson. Together, they are looking for what exactly happened during the war and what Martinus has hidden all these years.

Thijs Thijs Prein (actor) and Roelof Pothuis (scenographer) met the old master in another production. This is where the plan came to tell the story of Grandfather Preins' war. Thomas Verbogt writes the script with Prein; Peter Vandemeulebroecke indicates the direction.


The premiere of Vogel takes place on March 23rd at the Royal Theater in The Hague; the show can also be seen on Bram van der Vlugt's birthday in May 2019.

Van der Vlugt has been in the theater for decades and has appeared in dozens of acclaimed films and series. He has also been Sinterklaas' "usual advisor" for more than a quarter of a century during his public appearances on television. The actor has received numerous prizes and awards, including a Louis de 'Or. He is also knight in the order of the Dutch lion.

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