Brexit Minister Raises Due to May Projects


Britain's Brexit Minister David Davis resigns immediately. Davis has resigned from his post because of rising tensions and major differences within the Brexit strategy firm.

Brexit State Secretaries, Steve Baker and Suella Braverman, also resigned. British cabinet approved plans last week

Letter of resignation

On Friday, the cabinet agreed to follow a more flexible strategy and the ranks seemed closed.

But now Davis has submitted his letter of resignation. In the letter that Davis writes to May that the agreement reached on Friday in the cabinet undermines his position as a Brexit negotiator. He is also afraid that it will not be the cabinet, but the parliament will decide how the brexit will go. He also said that he fears that Britain's bargaining position against the EU is weak.

& # 39; Sad & # 39;

May said in a reaction to Davis leaving that she regretted that Davis was leaving. She does not agree with the arguments that he is making. "As a cabinet, we needed to determine the current position to continue detailed negotiations on a departure from Britain from the EU," according to May.

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