Bring Your Mortgage – NRC


Yes, that is what we call in everyday language: take your mortgage with you. In reality, you can not move your interest rate to your new home. This is then placed in a new mortgage deed: you must close a new default by moving. There is not a lot of difference between the application process of your first mortgage and that of the second, for example during your move. In both cases, it is checked if your income is sufficient for the mortgage and you must address the notary.

For freelancers, from freelancers to entrepreneurs with hundreds of employees, it was difficult to get a home loan. For a long time banks and insurers were hesitant and the criteria on which they based their decision were not clear. And you had to work for yourself for at least three years before you could claim a mortgage, even if you already had one and moved.

In recent years, it has become much easier. Now, you can already get a mortgage loan as an entrepreneur after only a year and lenders and mortgage advisors are more used to self-employed. At ZZP Nederland, the interest groups of the 850,000 to 1.5 million self-employed and Vereniging Eigen Huis (VEH), there are few complaints.

It is not that every self-employed person contracts a new mortgage and can keep his old interest if he moves. Fund providers (as for employees) first have a check for income. Self-employed people can borrow up to 4.5 times the net profit – that is, the business figure minus the operating costs (and sometimes less than the average person). adding the car). The accountant mentions in your annual accounts the "calculation of the balance of the tax benefit".


Officially, this standard only applies to persons who take out a mortgage as a national mortgage guarantee (NHG). This gives you (financial) help, for example, if you can no longer pay the mortgage. But in practice, banks and insurers follow the standard with almost all applications, notes the VEH.

To obtain a mortgage on the average purchase price of a Dutch house (288,000 euros), the net profit must be between 55,000 and 60,000 euros, suggests the expert in Mortgage Loans from VEH, Michel Ligtlee. In addition, a single person needs a slightly lower income than a couple.

Income checks outsource more and more money to specialized agencies such as Raadhuys and overviewz. Only the big banks often do it themselves, but they are also expected to push it back in the years to come. This has advantages: the agencies are independent and do not differ from the establishment of the "Rights of entrepreneurs". As a result, they are also familiar with annual accounts and complex balance sheets, particularly with entrepreneurs with a bv Christmas tree.

Reliable image

In such an income statement (11 to 20 pages), the lender finds more important than the net profit. He also wants to know if the figures give a reliable image, said Vincent Laan, director of overviewz. In addition, for most parties, income stability is highly dependent: is it a healthy business with a fairly stable income stream? Laan: "Our answer is negative in fifteen times."

Anyone rejected may try it elsewhere. Claimants can give more than 4.5 times their net income to a mortgage, provided they provide good reasons. It may be that they then ask for a higher interest rate. But argued deviating from the norm, they do too little according to Ligtlee of the VEH. "It costs time."

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