British police investigate anti-Semitism in the Labor Party


The research mainly concerns statements by opposition party members on social media. Journalists from the LBC radio station have seen this information, including denials of the Holocaust and conspiracy theories, in an internal report published by the Labor Party. It contains 45 cases of antisemitism or suspicions.

LBC entrusted the investigation to the Metropolitan Police. Researchers only look at the explicit statements included in the report; that is not the way the whole of the Labor Party is examined. In a radio show, one of the LBC reporters said, "This report reads like the content of a far right party, and not as something you expect from the party Labor ".

Completed within the party

Corbyn and Labor grappling with anti-Semitism

According to journalists, the case was set up for an internal meeting. "It even seems that all this has been concealed, that not all MPs, even from their own party, have been informed of this issue."

One of the cases documented by the British opposition concerns a Jewish deputy. who must cross the street under the protection of the police. A member of the Labor Party had linked online blogs in which the parliamentarian was treated in anti-Semitic terms.

Work has been more frequently associated with anti-Semitism in recent months. Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, as a member of the House of Commons, received an Islamic anti-Semitic clergy. Last year, at a side event at the party congress, the denial of the Holocaust was evoked.

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