"Brutal and unnecessarily offensive!" – The Daily Standard


PVV elector Robert de Jonge was finally sentenced for insulting the Arabs in a VPRO documentary dating from 2010 after years of criminal prosecution. He described the inhabitants of the peninsula as "armed men" who have boys. It is punishable, the Amsterdam Court of Appeals is now pronounced.

Do you see the man above? It is a trailer of PVV which in 2010 figured in the documentary VPRO " Wilders, the film " in which the leftist filmmaker Joost van der Valk went in search of the motivations of Geert Wilders and his supporters . He met the early Hague Wilders supporter, Robert de Jonge, who had just put together a bulletin board with the words "Geert Akbar" – Geert is bigger.

This recording space was authorized, but the language that the PVV trailer has delivered is De Jonge – more than eight years later still expensive :

"A supporter of the PVV who had already been acquitted for insulting an Arab group, is in court Amsterdam is still fined four hundred euros The man was offensive in the documentary Wilders, the film, aired in 2010. Among other things he spoke of Arabs as "fervent gunmen" who "also fuck little boys. It's very normal in their culture. "

The court finds the remarks" very crude, sexually explicit and unnecessarily offensive "and asserts that the right to freedom of expression is not unlimited".

Costs? 400 €. But after a roller coaster ride of a judicial process. It was the fourth time that a judge had complained for a pretty simple affair at first glance. In first instance and on appeal, De Jonge was acquitted: freedom of expression, it is also the freedom of expression to say what you think of Arabs, even if it does not. is not so nice for the Arabs.

But from the Public Prosecutor's Office The cassation appeal was brought before the Supreme Court and reversed the trend. He considered that the courts had not sufficiently assessed his statements in his context and that, consequently, his criminal case needed to be resolved. This happened in the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, which eventually imposed a fine of 400 €.

PVV supporters know what time it is: pay attention to the media. Before you know it, you fight for eight years against the beer wharf. In the end, so that hundreds of euros of wallet can be allocated.

So this could be another expensive hobby, this PVV vote …

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