Cabinet allocates an additional 3.5 million euros for the 75th day of liberation | Now


The Cabinet allocates an additional 3.5 million euros for the commemoration and celebration of the 75th day of liberation after the Second World War. The national celebration takes place in 2020.

State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (Public Health) wants to ensure that "the story of the liberation is well told".

Blokhuis promises to add even more money for educational projects on war and liberation. He does not know it yet.

The memorial centers of the former camps of Westerbork, Amersfoort and Vught had already received a million euros earlier this year for their development and upbringing. The liberation festivals also received a total of 1.4 million euros.

The 3.5 million euros allocated to the National Committee on 4 and 5 May, the foundation of 75 years of freedom and the stop of the Indian and moluquoise community. The Dutch Indians and Maluku commemorate in 2020 the end of the Japanese occupation 75 years ago

The festivities begin in August 2019 in the south of the country, because this part had already been released in 1944. The rest of the Netherlands will follow in 2020.

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