Cabinet very attentive to Chinese industrial espionage


The government would pay close attention to industrial espionage by China with the help of the future successor of the 4G mobile Internet network. Minister Blok (Foreign Affairs) said Monday that it was necessary to ensure that the Chinese do not receive too much energy during the construction of the new 5G network.

Blok added that the AIVD had also reported it to him. "This is a subject that is explicitly on the agenda of our security services, but that we also bring to the attention of Dutch companies."


If it is up to the minister, the government will present a special strategy for China around spring 2019. Minister Wiebes said earlier that a group of six people under the leadership of Prime Minister Rutte was working on the report. Wiebes said about corporate buyouts by Chinese companies: "Chinese companies that arrive in the Netherlands with a bag full of state aids and can do anything here" (19659002) OUR Radio 1 Journaal announced that the Netherlands, like many other countries, seemed to depend on Chinese technology. "And when the Chinese install these systems in our country, they penetrate very deeply into our information systems and may also be able to send data.This is a danger."

See Opportunities [19659004] According to Verhoeven, it is important that we think about possibilities in a European context. "What technologies do we want to keep in our hands?"

According to Minister Blok, China is primarily perceived as a partner. "But in this world, of course, you have to pay attention to what's going on, and industrial espionage is very alert."

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