Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review – Other Choices


Call of Duty Black Ops 4

The abandonment of the traditional campaign mode is a bold choice that will not suit all players, but Black Ops 4 has sufficient content to prevent the loss of this campaign. make painful is clear. Blackout is an asset for the range of Royal Battle games available, while Zombie Mode has never been as complete and complete in the game as this year. The multiplayer mode does not offer too much information, but boasts a balanced and fluid gameplay. As in the audiovisual field, there is a lot to blame, as tradition dictates, but even then, Black Ops 4 is enough for the necessary hours of online entertainment.

Final Verdict

  Tweakers says: 7.5 "title =" Tweakers says: 7.5 "/> </div>
<p>  He already started with the best war shooter of his time, then led the series in different and different areas We have reported stories whose names are probably forever will continue to be present, especially in the trilogies around Modern Warfare and Black Ops. "In addition, we have seen the multiplayer mode continue to grow and in Zombies, something started as a modest side dish but became a mainstream mode in its own right. And now, in 2018? Now, Call of Duty and we are separated. What was once one of the highlights of our year of play is still possible for others, but more for us. </p>
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Suppose this person in a position of responsibility is like. It is nurtured by preference and taste because it is the basis of every game you like or do not like to play. This does not automatically mean that Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 can not be a good game. The Treyarch development studio made several choices at "CoD: BO4" that do not correspond to what interests us the most about Call of Duty games. The more important role played by the Zombies game mode was not important to us, even though we are the first to recognize that there are hordes of players around the world who are resolutely on mindless monsters. Plus, Treyarch is obviously not crazy. Activision and the studios obviously see what is most played, and they know very well that Zombie modes are still extremely popular.

The role of the Zombies mode is more important than ever in Black Ops 4. This game mode is primarily the part that must compensate for the loss of the traditional campaign mode. Indeed, this call of duty breaks with the habit that there is always a story mode. Treyarch knows what people are playing and will have received indications that with the removal of campaign mode, there is not much left to lose. At the same time, there will be players like us who regret the disappearance of the annual roller coaster ride of about six hours. without meaning. So it's best to see what's in the game. This is not much at the single player level. Treyarch has tried to provide the specialists – the characters chosen by the players in multiplayer mode – more background. Black Ops 4 offers a brief history of each of these specialists in a slightly larger story. This sounds good, but in practice it is only a set of short-term missions in which you will learn to master the particular skills of each specialist, in pots versus bots. It's a good prelude to the multiplayer mode, but it's certainly not a replacement for the traditional campaign. Special attention may also be given to the approach of the above-mentioned missions. Here, the old Frank Woods, known at Black Ops, always returns the player in a spectacular and hard tone, but it misses the table completely. This makes us especially a big smile because it seems so silly, and not because it would be really fun.

These missions and the movies that accompany them are probably also your first introduction to the way Black Ops 4 makes it audiovisual from brings. It's starting to look like a "broken disc" because we repeat it every year, but Black Ops 4 is lagging behind the current visual standard. The V Battlefield that is due out later this month is graphically at a completely different level and if you look outside of the FPS genre, you already see completely different things. Two-dimensional textures in the grass and plants, as well as a large number of massive objects in the game world: these are things we are used to with Call of Duty and which in 2018 n & rsquo; Have not changed suddenly. Blackout is a positive exception. We will discuss this in more detail on the next page. The big file shows little loss of graphic quality, and that deserves a compliment.

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