Car sellers buy more cars because of the increase in the number of bpm Now


Car dealers bought tens of thousands of additional cars because of the increase in the car tax (bpm), which starts on January 1. This gives new car buyers the opportunity to apply a discount in the coming months.

According to the report De Telegraaf Saturday, after a survey of professional associations.

The sectoral organizations Bovag and RAI Association assume that a new car based on the new speed regulation will become more expensive from "hundreds to thousands of euros".

Car dealers are now buying additional vehicles because the old rules still apply to the current stock and can therefore be sold at a lower price. That's why sellers have sold about 90,000 cars.

"If you're thinking of looking now, you can get a benefit," a Bovag spokesman said on a daily basis. The RAI Association explains why dealers and importers tend to lower prices slightly: "A stock costs money and no one wants to have a large stock."

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