Carrie Fisher seen in the new Star Wars movie NOW


"We liked it a lot," says director J.J. Abrams in a statement. The director never planned to let another actress play the role of Princess Leia

"With the support and blessing of her daughter, Billie Heavy, we found a way to pay tribute to her, as well as to her. To his character from Leia, Part 9, using the material from Part Seven. "

Fisher died in December 2016, after his recordings for Star Wars: The Last Jedi have been completed. In April of last year, Kathleen Kennedy of producer Lucasfilm suggested that Fisher could not be seen in the ninth part of Star Wars . In September of this year, however, a change of directors followed: Abrams took over from Colin Trevorrow and wrote a new script.

Billy Dee Williams

Lucasfilm also confirmed the return of Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian. He played this role for the first time in 1980. Three years later, he also participated in The Return of the Jedi .

Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) will also be featured in the new film, as well as Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, John Boyega and others. , Oscar Isaac and Lupita Nyong & # 39; o

The new part must be seen at the cinema on December 20, 2019. The recordings will begin on August 1.

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