Casting Agents & # 39; Guardians of the Galaxy & # 39; I've fired director …


The stars of the Hollywood blockbuster "Guardians of the Galaxy" are supported by an open letter from director James Gunn, who was fired earlier this month after tasteless jokes on Twitter.

Disney, producer of the series, dismissed Gunn as director of the third film "The Guardians of the Galaxy". after several tweets from 2008-2011, in which he made tasteless jokes about rape and pedophilia

Always support Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana and Vin Diesel Gunn. In an open letter broadcast by Hollywood stars via social networks, they express "their love, support and gratitude for James".

  The Actors of

James Gunn

] Photo: Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP

"Each of us can not wait to work with James again in the future," the actors write. "We hope that Americans from all walks of life can stop the killing of characters." Leading protagonist Chris Pratt added, "Although I do not approve of James Gunn's inappropriate jokes, he remains a good man."

Public opinion supports Gunn: It is so that more than 350,000 people have signed a petition asking for the cancellation of his dismissal. Gunn wrote and directed the first two films "Guardians of the Galaxy", the third was planned for 2020.

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