The twelve CDA party leaders for the provincial council elections are of the opinion that the Netherlands should not lose sight of the ambition to reduce CO2 emissions. The fact that the government advocates a 55% reduction in Europe is, in their opinion, bad for the support, affordability, feasibility and "fair playing field" for Dutch companies.
In a document submitted to De Telegraaf, the twelve state that the provinces play an important role in the implementation of climate measures. They agree with the coalition's goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 49 percent by 2030, but they do not see a bigger reduction.
"The reality is that many of our neighboring countries do not exceed 40 to 45 percent," they write. "This makes the Dutch ambition risky: a Dutch headline on European targets means that we are paying a lot of money for the problems of other countries and that the competitive position of SMEs and large companies is deteriorating. . "
"Realistic Conditions"
"Too good is the fool of the neighbor," said the Fransian leader Sander de Rouwe in the NOS Radio 1 Journaal . He welcomed the fact that the proposals in the draft climate agreement were being considered and that the cabinet made its choice. "It's good that something is happening, but it's even more important to set realistic conditions."
Former deputy Rouwe declares that the debate is currently being hijacked by "drillers and dreamers" on the climate. "And we do not feel at home like CDAs, we want to tackle them, but with an eye on portability and at a realistic pace." "In our opinion, the parts are always a little bit of snow." That's why we say now: let's go here. line. "
De Rouwe says that you can already discuss the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 49%." But in the Netherlands, you now hear more and more people, especially from the left, to say, let's go even further, and then you are mistaken in direction, as far as we are concerned. He thinks that the Netherlands should not be in the vanguard in Europe, because according to him, citizens will be the victims.
"Good News"
NOS reporter Xander van der Wulp said this morning that the letter from party leaders The leader of the CDA in the provinces, Buma, will come out well. He will participate this afternoon in the debate on the climate agreement in the House of Representatives. There was a lot of noise in the coalition after VVD party leader Dijkhoff in De Telegraaf dumped on "climate traders" as a coalition partner, Jetten (D66), which he said , wants to implement the plans one by one while not paying attention to the costs for the citizens
"After clarification of the coalition, Buma will have little room for maneuver in the debate this afternoon, because it will have to defend the cabinet line, which is a good thing because it no longer has to tell the CDA all climate plans are in place. "
The chairman of the D66 group, Jetten, responded to the TV show Good Morning Netherlands this morning. He said that the Netherlands should be at the forefront in the fight against environmental pollution. According to him, the Netherlands is the dirty little boy of the class in Europe and it is necessary to catch up.
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