Certainly 27 deaths due to persistent extreme weather conditions in Italy


Due to persistent weather in Italy, at least 27 people were killed. This reports the Italian news agency ANSA. This southern European country has been hit by strong gusts of wind and heavy showers since last Sunday.

The island of Sicily is particularly affected by the floods. Saturday night, the bad weather required another ninety lives, after the rapid rise of water surprised the inhabitants of a house located near the city of Palermo. Victims, including children, reportedly drowned because water was rapidly reaching the ceiling. A man and a girl escaped because they were going to have candy. Another person can make an emergency phone call by hanging on a tree.

Still in the village of Vicari in Sicily, bad weather resulted in death. Two men were dragged in a car through the water. One occupant survived the flood, the other was found dead.

Major damage to nature

The weather in Italy also affects nature. In the northern part of the country, the forest of Val Saisera, where spruce stands are used as wood for the violins of Stradivarius, is half destroyed. An estimated fourteen million trees were lost last week

The rest of the country was also affected by inclement weather. Many parks and tourist attractions are closed in Rome. The ruins of Pompeii are also close to tourists, as is St. Mark's Square in Venice. The city is three quarters under the water. According to ANSA, the level of water in the city, which is more often mined by floods, has not been as high since 2008.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini Saturday announced that 200 million euros should be reserved for emergency relief.

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