"Change your winter – for summer tires! / Autonieuws / Autowereld.com


Bovag recently checked 994 cars using a random sample and 57 still drove on winter tires. It goes down to 5.73%. Of the 8.6 million passenger cars in the Netherlands, this means that more than 490,000 cars still drive with winter tires. It's far from ideal, we also find, and you can read below why

summer tires are cheaper
Not only to the purchase, but especially in use, summer tires are cheaper in the warmer months. This has everything to do with wear. The rubber tires of the summer are less flexible and therefore they wear out less quickly. But that's not all. Because the tires are harder, they also have lower rolling resistance and this has a positive effect on your fuel consumption. Count your profits!

Since rubber is specially formulated for the summer months, you have more grip with a summer tire. And this results in a shorter braking distance. In addition, they have been carefully developed, just like the winter tires, to work well even in wet conditions. During a summer storm, one can therefore rely on a good drainage of rainwater and the aquaplaning can be reduced to a minimum

It rolls better
More adhesion, more control and therefore better driving characteristics. With summer tires during warmer seasons, you get the most out of your car's power and handling. This is a considerable advantage, especially for the sports driver. With the right rubber under your car (specific), you get the most out of driving performance.

In addition to benefiting from more adhesion and financial benefits, you also enjoy greater comfort. Summer tires are taken by the bank more calmly than winter tires. This will certainly be noticeable over long distances. And it's a pleasant incident.

And the disadvantages?
These are actually only if your summer tires are not used properly. In other words, if you drive in the winter. The rubber of the summer tires is "petrified" at very low temperatures, so that you lose grip, consumption increases and braking distance is longer. Our motto is: simply install the right type of tire under your car during the different seasons. Winter tires from October to April, summer tires the rest of the year. Overall, you will work well and safely and on your way.

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