China and the United States want a WTO dispute committee because of the trade war Now


The United States, China, Canada and Mexico want the World Trade Organization (WTO) to set up a separate committee for the settlement of disputes. This committee must then see if all the measures taken in the trade war are legitimate.

This is the US import duty of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum that the country has applied earlier this year. The United States wants to look specifically at the corrective measures taken by the European Union, China, Canada and Mexico.

Norway has already indicated that it wants to use the commission, just like the EU. Norway wonders if US import duties are legal. The US approach would be protectionism according to China. This would be contrary to the laws of international trade.

Talks between China and the United States, under the leadership of the WTO, have so far resulted in nothing.

According to the White House, import duties were necessary for reasons of national security. Other countries accuse the United States of protectionism.

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