Christian Asia Bibi is not allowed to leave Pakistan


After three days, radical Muslims in Pakistan suspended their demonstrations against their acquittal against Asia Bibi. In exchange, the government will not oppose an attempt to reopen the case against him.

Asia Bibi, a Christian, was sentenced to death for blasphemy eight years ago. His conviction led to horror at the time around the world. This week she was acquitted by the Pakistan Supreme Court.

The strictly Islamic TLP party reacted fiercely to the acquittal. For three days, TLP trailers blocked main roads in the capital, Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. The schools remained closed and the telephone traffic in the cities was closed.


After consultation with the TLP, the government promised not to oppose an application to review the judgment against Bibi. The woman comes on a list of people who can not leave the country. For the TLC, the commitments are sufficient to suspend the actions.

We do not know where Bibi is. She may have already left Pakistan. The coalition parties CDA, ChristenUnie and D66 called on the government to provide Christian shelter in the Netherlands.

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