CIDI youth protest Corbyn's "physical harassment" | inside


Van Koningsveld and his followers had gone to a meeting in a pop place with a banner where they accused Corbyn's anti-Semitism party. "Work: for the greatest number, not the Jew," insisted. They hung him on the balcony during the speech of the British politician. This was not good for some people present.

In the end, the security guards took protesters out and did not go further in climbing. PvdA leader Lodewijk Asscher, who received Corbyn on Thursday and was also present in the Horse, tweeted to a CIDI employee that he found "terrible". "No one is justified in violating my name," says Asscher.

A spokesman for the PvdA acknowledges that there was a skirmish, but that there is nothing to it. "Two Jewish gentlemen in the audience felt bad quality through the banner, they demanded that the youth remove it, then something was pushed and pulled in. But violence is a heavy word." [19659004] Every day at lunch the latest news in your inbox?

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