Cloud telephony is available on all platforms with Cloudya


NFON, Cloud Phone System Provider, Launches Cloudya. The product offers an integrated user interface making cloud telephony available on all platforms. This facilitates the use of cloud telephony by users.

The cloud telephony market is still young and growing steadily in Europe. The annual growth is 16% and by 2022, 26 million cloud phone connections are expected. This evolution is further reinforced by the ever-growing trend of mobile communication and ever-changing work practices.

Intended for Tomorrow's Digital Work Environment

"The market is literally demanding solutions that can handle these changes," said Markus Krammer, Vice President. President product and new business. "Solutions that meet this need with simple and useful tools to promote and support the digitization, transformation and efficiency improvement of European companies are extremely useful in an increasingly work environment complex and fast, Cloudya is synonymous with intuitive, device-independent communication, with a particular focus on absolutely simple use – anytime, anywhere and on any device. future integrated collaboration services and was developed for tomorrow's digital work environment, including screen sharing, chatting and video. "

Users can connect to Cloudya from any device and any place. To do this, use a desktop app, a mobile app, a web application, or a desktop phone in the workplace.


Cloudya is based on the latest Web technologies such as WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication). Updates from the entire Cloudya suite can be easily deployed to end users, regardless of their operating system, web browser, or application. NFON is also offering for the first time a uniform European pricing model with Cloudya. "Cloudya is the uniform and central communication interface for users," said César Flores Rodríguez, NFON sales manager. "Cloudya is so much more than a new product, Cloudya is an essential part of a paradigm shift that will help us serve Europe's growing market and achieve our goal of dominating the European market. Corporate communication is simplicity, independence and reliability.This includes, for example, a simple and complete connection, a plug-and-play implementation, an intuitive operation, a free device selection, maximum availability, the highest possible standards for data security and more. "

Cloudya will be available from November 1, 2018 for Chrome. Until February 1, 2019, mobile applications for iOS (from 10.0) and Android (from 7.0) as well as desktop applications for MacOS (from 10.12) and Windows 10, including versions browser for Safari and Firefox, will be launched sequentially.

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