"Constitution!" In Berlin during a visit to the Polish presidency


Nobody expects a routine visit, said German President Steinmeier when he received his Polish counterpart, Duda, on Tuesday. The differences between the two neighboring countries are currently too great for that.

But the fact of becoming such a bitter confrontation, up to a cry in Berlin Konzerthaus came unexpectedly. It was a scene you had been waiting for earlier in Donald Trump's America, wrote [19699004] Der Tagesspiegel shocked by what had happened at the gala concert in l & # 39; 39th anniversary of the 100th anniversary of the reconquest of the independence of Poland.

When the presidents come on the stage to deliver speeches each, people in evening suits rise up in the Polish Constitution! Constitution! "Has begun shouting, as an apparent critic of the way the Polish government controls the rule of law.Afterwards, another part of the audience, apparently supporters of the Polish president, launched Andrzej Duda! Andrzej Duda & # 39;

It did not get out of hand, but it was a painful incident at the end of a day already characterized by mutual resentment. At the beginning of the day, Steinmeier, while Duda and him were in the press, had clearly expressed their dissatisfaction with the judicial reforms in Poland, which also condemns the European Court of Justice. "I hope that the Polish government will find a way to respect European justice."

Duda , for its part, complains about the construction of a Nordstream II pipeline connecting Russia to the Baltic Sea, via Russia.He called on the German government to stop the construction of the gas pipeline, which b Germany and Europe will only become more dependent on Russia with this project that is not focused on the European Union.

Polish objections to the pipeline came back to a public meeting later in the day with both presidents – from Steinmeier's point of view. Duda has described the European Union as a new occupation force, of which Poland is the victim. "We do not want to be vassals." The German president corrected it by pointing out that all member states had voluntarily joined the EU.

Nevertheless, Steinmeier emphasized: "There is more that binds us than divides us." Duda also had a brief meeting with Chancellor Merkel.

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