Corendon spreads its wings and wants more hotels


"We already have hotels in Ibiza and Curacao," he explains in an interview with De Telegraaf

. The company is therefore looking for a new shareholder. Corendon is already working with KLM, including offering trips to Aruba and Bonaire. But, according to Van der Heijden: "We are not open to a takeover by a partner of the sector."

Hotels count for half of the result

The hotel portfolio currently includes ten hotels, including The College Hotel in Amsterdam and the former Sony office. The company said on the site of Badhoevedorp, which has 677 rooms, that the site has not been commented.

These hotels now account for almost half of the operating result, says Van der Heijden and De Telegraaf. the fiscal year ended was completed with a turnover of half a billion euros, up 23%.

From shoarma to tour operator

Corendon was founded by Atilay Uslu, born in Turkey but raised in the Netherlands, where he was 22 years old. took over his uncle's shoarma business

He started traveling to Turkey in 2000. At the same time, Corendon offers vacations in twenty destinations, including Bali, The Gambia and Dubai. owns sixteen aircraft which, according to the company, ensure the annual displacement of more than 2.5 million holidaymakers to destinations in and outside Europe.

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