Custom Matches Now Available on PUBG Test Servers for PC News


Playing private pots is currently being tested in PUBG, allowing players to set their own variables and parameters. This feature will probably cost money in the future.

The announcement of custom matches for test servers is done by PUBG corp. made in a post on Steam .

"Customize all aspects of the game, the behavior of the circle, objects / infatuation of vehicles, equipment and more" is in the description. "You can even create or modify War Mode and Zombie Mode then Invite as many players as you want (or as little as you want.)

In addition to reducing the circle, we can include the time that 39, it is necessary to revive someone and put it back in.

said that during this test phase, no cost will be charged when creating these private jars, and if the functionality is removed from the test servers, it will probably cost a bit, because a large capacity is needed to perform these custom matches.

Custom matches are part of "PC 1.0 Update # 18", where a new weapon and a new vehicle are added to the game and are exclusively in the Sanhok folder.

The new weapon is called Mar. ksman Rifle (DMR) called QBU The rifle has a bipod, which makes it much more stable and has less back when a player is lying on the floor.Ubu replaces the Mini 14.

Finally, the Rony pickup is a vehicle where four players can take the place and according to PUBG Corp. ideal for the hilly landscape of Sanhok

  custom matches PUBG

  custom matches PUBG

  update of the weapon and vehicle PUBG

  update of the PUBG of the weapon and of the vehicle

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