Dark birthday at the EYE Observatory Radio and Television


This Saturday night, the Blaauw Observatory opened for the 14th night of the night. The tenth anniversary of the Blaauw Observatory is also celebrated with special attention for Professor Blaauw and a beautiful gift for all visitors.

The Zernike lights go out as much as possible tonight. You can visit the dome of the observatory and observe the stars with the help of telescopes. In the mobile planetarium, you will travel the universe with a new show with exoplanets and black holes. Professor Bernard Jones presents the latest news of astronomy in Astronomy News. This includes new discoveries of the Gaia satellite with important contributions from the Kapteyn Institute and the construction of the new SPICA infrared space observatory, in which SRON Groningen plays a major role. Kids can build mini-rockets in the craft corner and compare Earth-Land to Mars-Land. And come experience science yourself at the Science LinX exhibition. Here is the program of the presentations:

19:00 – 19:25 Star Quiz (for children up to 12 years) (NL)
19:30 – 19:45 Prof. dr. Marc Verheijen on "The construction of the Blaauw Observatory" (NL)
20:00 – 20:45 Lecture of Professor Tim de Zeeuw on "Professor Blaauw: Officer and Astronomer" (NL)
21:00 – 21:30 Astronomy News, presented by Professor Bernard Jones (EN)

The observatory is open from 18:00 to 23:00. Address: Nijenborgh 9 (Bernoulliborg on the Zernike campus). Access is free. For the full program and reservations, please visit www.rug.nl/sterrenwacht
More information on all Night Night activities is available on www.nachtvandenacht.nl
Tip: join the account stars via www.ontdekdeduisternis.nl and win a binocular.

Night of the Night is an initiative of Natuuren Milieufederaties to draw attention to the beauty of the night and the consequences of light pollution. [ad_2]
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