Stephen Hillenburg, creator of the popular animated series Spongebob Squarepants died Monday from the aftermath of ALS.
"We are very sad to learn that Steve Hillenburg died as a result of a battle against ALS," says Nickelodeon, about whom Spongebob can be seen in a reaction published by . . "He was a precious friend and creative colleague from everyone at Nickelodeon, and our warmest thoughts go out to his entire family."
Hillenburg is commended by the children's channel for his "sense of humor and the unique innocence he has conveyed to children and to the family". "The original characters and the world of Bikinibroek (the fictional world in which Spongebob lives, ed) will remind us for a long time the value of optimism, friendship and infinite power. from the imagination. "
Last year, in March, Hillenburg suffered from ALS, a deadly muscle disease that Stephen Hawking also died of.The first episode of Spongebob Squarepants was aired in 1999 and more than 250 episodes of the animated series were aired.Hillenburg also collaborated on two animated film films on the animated sea sponge.
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