Democrat Abrams contests a rash in Georgia, where the votes do not speak for themselves


Brian Kemp seems to have won the race for governor of Georgia. At the time of writing these lines, the Republican held about 51% of the vote. But his opponent, Democrat Stacey Abrams, refused to accept the poll result Wednesday morning, while tens of thousands of remote votes have not yet been counted.

If both candidates rank less than 50% – there is always a third candidate on the ballot – a second round may take place. "In a civilized country," Abrams said, the work of democracy must benefit everyone, always and not only in certain places and on a certain day. "

At 3 pm local time, Kemp said," Do not get me wrong, the math is on our side to win this election. "

This calculation is precisely the problem." During the race in Georgia, the eyes were not only focused on the struggle between the candidates, but also because of the struggle to vote for themselves [19659005] In a civilized country, the radar of democracy must work for everyone, always, not only, in certain places and on a certain day

Stacey Abrams, A democrat disputing his defeat in Georgia

Conflict of Interest

Democrats accuse Brian Kemp of using his former job to conquer a new one.The 55-year-old Republican has been Secretary of State of Georgia in recent years, the most A senior official after the governor, he was responsible for the organization and conduct of the elections and, despite criticism of the conflicts of interest, refused to give up his work during the campaign period. [19659002] The suspicions of voter manipulation against Kemp were no less important at that time. Kemp "cleaned up" voter lists and removed 1.5 million names. Much of it came from the dead, but an even larger number was removed because they had not voted in the last two elections. This is a lot for an electorate of less than 7 million voters.

Last month, it became clear that the registration of 53,000 new voters had taken place without them being informed and often without a clear reason. The judge was involved in almost every question to turn things around. Just before the elections, Kemp announced a study on "Possible Cybercrime" among Democrats in Georgia.

Read also this report from Georgia: Fewer voters like

Long hours of waiting

The choice to visit Georgia was chaotic Tuesday in two districts. In a part of downtown Atlanta, the capital, where mostly black voters live, waiting time was raised to over three hours as there were too few voting machines. In Gwinnett County, in the northeastern suburb of Atlanta, voting machines did not do it at all, according to NBC, as the power cables were missing. Waiting times were increased to four hours.

During his years as Secretary of State, Kemp did nothing against voting machines that had been running for years, some running with eighteen-year-old software. Instead, it closed in 2012, and the local newspaper Atlanta Journal-Constitution, caused an 8% drop in polling stations in the state, raising a particular threshold for black voters and predominant youth groups. Democratic vote.

In 2016, Kemp gained national fame when, on behalf of Georgia, he ignored President Obama's request to cooperate with the federal government to secure the electoral system against Russian pirates. Kemp gave the reason a year later: "I think the previous government made a political decision, I'm not sure the Russians tried to influence our elections."

Kemp is a "Conservative politically incorrect "self-proclaimed" Trumpian Cut "who has been touted in a campaign video on his pickup truck with which he said," if necessary alone take the migrants in an irregular situation ".

Stacey Abrams led the Democrats in the House of Representatives of Georgia. If she wins again, she will become the first black governor. "We are still on the verge of writing history," Abrams said Tuesday night.

Adhesive tape

The tough battle in Georgia draws attention to the voting problems in the United States. The voice infrastructure in one of the world's largest democracies depends in part on the band. In more than forty states, voting machines are more than ten years old or there are voting machines that are no longer manufactured so that parts can not be replaced. Predictable logistical problems, such as deficiencies in paper ballots, nevertheless caused considerable delays, particularly in the states of Maryland, Brooklyn, Texas, Indiana and California.

Follow here the results of the intermediate examinations

here and there in her seams, she is still working. According to an initial estimate, the turnout was 114 million votes, considerably more than usual in the mid-term elections, which also led to delays.

The voting rights, acquired by African Americans only half a century ago, still cause tension under the skin in the United States, as the expansion of the electorate with minorities and young people mainly benefit Democrats. They therefore insist on having access to the ballot box while Republicans act against votes cast illegally.

Vote Checking Fraud

On Monday, the Minister of Justice sent Jeff Sessions officials to 35 constituencies to investigate other frauds. Trump tweeted, threatening, that whoever would be trapped in an election fraud would get "the harsher punishment that the law allows him".

When they finally found themselves in the polling booth, the Americans chose Tuesday to participate in several referendums to simplify and make accessible the ballot box.

In Michigan, Colorado and Missouri, voters voted in favor of a strongly partisan constituency change. And in Florida, more than 60% of voters voted to give the right to vote to people with criminal records. This means that Florida, where the black governor candidate, Andrew Gillum, lost Tuesday's Republican opponent, gets 1.4 million voters, mostly African-Americans. And Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives for two months, has promised to make the right to vote the highest priority.

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