Democrat Sinema Wins Senate Race in Arizona


Democratic candidate Kyrsten Sinema was declared the winner of the US Senate election on behalf of the US state of Arizona on Monday night – one of the races still undecided after the mid-term of last Tuesday. APO

Sinema, now a member of the House of Representatives of an Arizona constituency, has a close victory over Martha McSally, a Republican MP. She will be the first female Senator for Arizona and the first Democratic senator on behalf of the Southwest State since 1994.

The bitter battle between Sinema and McSally for the Senate seat vacated by the The departure of moderate Republican Jeff Flake has garnered much attention nationwide. drawn. Sinema, who has carved out a reputation in Congress as a moderate Democrat, has vowed to defend health care.

McSally, a former jet fighter pilot who defeated two other conservative Republicans in the fight for the nomination, including controversial retreats. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, however, attacked him as a reckless man because of his involvement in protests against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 2000s.

A Favorable Trend for Democrats

Sinema's victory has been in a positive trend for Democrats since. on the night of the elections: the races for the Senate and the House of Representatives which were too close to be called were since then largely in their favor.

The Democrats, who had hoped for a "blue wave". "Support for the first national elections since the swearing-in of President Donald Trump, seemed to have to be satisfied with a tune on Tuesday night, a convincing victory, and observers believe they have reason to rejoice.

Democrats have now won 32 seats in the House of Representatives – their best result since the Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of Republican President Richard Nixon in 1974. They lead in four races that are still undecided. At Forty

In the Senate, Democrats lost three seats (in Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota) and two seats were won over Republicans (in Nevada and now Arizona). They are now assured 47 seats (including two independent senators who vote with the Democrats), against at least 51 for the Republicans.

The race in the Senate in Flori "Republican candidate Rick Scott is one step ahead of outgoing Senator Bill Nelson. Due to the minimal difference, votes are counted. The election of a Senate seat in Mississippi will be decided at the end of the month in the second round. the seat should remain in the hands of the Republicans.

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