Democrats fear new Justice Minister will end Russia investigation Now


Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democratic Party in the United States House of Representatives, worries that the new justice minister, Matthew Whitaker, wants to end the investigation of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller in Russia . .) can only be seen as an attempt by the president to undermine Mueller's research, "says Pelosi on Twitter.

Whitaker has often criticized the research." He should retire as a supervisor, just like Sessions, Pelosi continues.

The sessions withdrew from the investigation, when it became apparent that it could also be examined. Trump was not in agreement because he had lost control of the search.

State Minister Rod Rosenstein oversaw Mueller's research in Russia. Whitaker seems to take over. Several sources around the new minister confirm that during a conversation with the The Washington Post

In addition to Pelosi, several Democrats called Whitaker to withdraw. A number of Republican senators believe that the investigation should simply be launched and that Whitaker should not intervene.

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