Dennis (9 years old) from Zwolle receives a letter from Mark Rutte: "I hope to come with you"


Because he is concerned about the plight of boys who are stuck in a Thai cave, Dennis, 9, of Zwolle, wrote a letter to Prime Minister Rutte. This afternoon, the Prime Minister wrote a letter: "I hope the boys will be saved as quickly as possible."

The Prime Minister's letter left today by bus to Zwolle , but the Government Information Service has already shared a photo. d & # 39; writing. Rutte expresses thanks to Dennis for his letter and his sympathy for the Thai boys

No request for help
Dennis, who is himself Thai, writes to the Prime Minister that he heard to the news that the boys were still stuck sitting. "The Netherlands is an expert country against the control of water, maybe you can fix it."

Rutte replies that no request for international assistance has been made. has been made yet, but that Thailand has already sought the help of several countries: On foot
However, Rutte says that the Dutch pump company Van Heck will visit Thailand as soon as possible to see how they can help. It also states that various options for releasing boys are under study: "On this basis, other requests for help may be requested."

And what does he promise himself? That he follows it closely and that he "hopes with you that boys can be put in safety as quickly as possible".

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