Diddy jumps into his 49th year of life


The rapper shared a video for his parachute jump. "I'm about to jump out of a plane, I've always wanted to do that," he said, as the employees put their armor back in order. "Or, in fact, no, I did not always want to do that, I only started to think about it this year, I wanted to do it in Dubai, but that did not happen then I decided to do it for my birthday. "

In September, Will Smith jumped to the elastic band over the Grand Canyon to celebrate his 50th birthday, but it was not Diddy's inspiration, his son told one year old. "I wanted that before I saw Will Smith jump off a plane, but he inspired me, so Will, I do not want you to think I'm after you."

In his Instagram stories, Diddy shared several videos of his jump, in which he recently sang R. Kelly's song I Believe I Can Fly. Later, he placed images of his landing, where he was applauded by a large number of family members.

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