Dumoulin declares that the attacks were useless because of the strong Sky team | NOW


"A number of pilots, including me, wanted to try to attack the last climb when there was a chance," said Dumoulin after the finish of the tenth stage at Grand-Bornand. "But with so many headwinds and five Team Sky drivers behind you that do not make much sense, you have to be reasonable and save the forces for the next two tough days."

Team Sky took over four heavy Alpencols almost immediately on the initiative, as they have done in recent years in Chris Froome's four-round wins. During the last climb of the day, the Col de la Colombière, the defending champion had four other riders around him, including Wout Poels.

Daniel Martin was therefore the only rider to have dared to attack the race since the beginning category, but the Irish did not come far. Almost all the leaders, including Dumoulin and Steven Kruiswijk, crossed the finish line at 3 minutes and 23 seconds of stage winner Julian Alaphilippe

"Attack was rather useless," said Dumoulin. "If a team as powerful as Sky is doing such a pace, you can try to speed it up, but then you will probably be picked up and unloaded, everyone is afraid of that.

The Limburger was good all day from the front. "As everyone was pretty close to my limit, but I felt good, I do not think we can draw too much conclusions after today, with headwinds on the last climb and a Team like Sky today was just very difficult race. "

Ten Dam

Dumoulin did not have any help from his teammates during the last ascent. Laurens ten Dam stayed at the foot of the Col de la Colombière with his boss, but had to unload afterwards.

"Laurens did well," said the winner of the Giro last year. "He dropped me in the descent to the last climb into the Sky riders wheel and was able to give me bottles of water, which really pleased me."

"But further, as a team, we are lacking in scale, we can turn around, but it's like that: we have a good team here, but we are less numerous than we are." 39, other teams, we have to make the best of it. "

Deen Sören Kragh Andersen, who lost the lead in the youth rankings, and the German Simon Geschke finished Tuesday at 15 minutes from home. ; Alaphilippe. After Dumoulin and Ten Dam, they were Sunweb's third and fourth riders in the result.

"I hope that" Lau "will always be able to stay with me in the mountain stages until the last climb, it's very important," says Dumoulin. "And the other players will improve a bit, because it would be very boring if I did not have a teammate with me during the penultimate climb of a mountain stage."

Eleventh place

Dumoulin climbs the overall ranking eleventh place, at 3.42 minutes of geletruidrager Greg Van Avermaet

The Tour continues Wednesday with the second mountain stage. He leads the pack on 108.5 kilometers from Albertville to La Rosière Espace San Bernardo. Along the way, two climbs of the outdoor category are on the program. The finish is mounted for the first time in this round

The chance is so great that Van Avermaet lost its leading position in the ranking, because the Belgian BMC should not be considered a great climber.

expect the differences to be bigger tomorrow than today, "says Dumoulin. "It's tough all day and the final climb is heavier than today."

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