Dutch roads are among the world's top three Now


After Singapore and Switzerland, the Netherlands would have the best roads. Still, our country is performing poorly in terms of accessibility because it takes a relatively long time to move from one point to another, according to an index from the World Economic Forum (WEF).

This is explained by the large number of cars and traffic jams. a relatively small country, reports the site of economic news Business Insider (BI) Saturday on the basis of WEF figures

The annual indicator of international competitive positions of 140 countries was published this week. The WEF calculates the international competitive index on the basis of various factors, such as security, fiscal climate, education and infrastructure.

BI notes that the Netherlands ranks among the top three countries with qualitatively better corridors. But in terms of accessibility, our country is in 24th place.

The WEF examines, among other things, the average speed at which people can move between the ten largest cities in a country. Germany (six), France (nine) and Belgium (nineteen) get much better than the Netherlands

American cities are the most accessible

On average , American cities are the best accessible, followed by those located in Saudi Arabia and Spain. In Mauritania, the least difficult to go from A to B. The worst roads are on the island of Haiti (Caribbean).

Overall, the competitive position of the Netherlands has decreased this year. Our country is no longer in the list of the five most competitive economies in the world, showed earlier this week. The Netherlands ranks sixth in the global competitiveness index. Last year, the Netherlands was still in fourth place.

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