Dutchman says sorry for defeating the Prague server


One of the Dutchmen who mistreated a waiter in Prague regrets. In a letter that he wrote from prison in the Czech Republic, Armin N. apologized. Not only to the server, but also to the Netherlands

Financial support

N. also says that he intends to support the server financially. The server could not work since the bad handling in April. The man suffered from a broken jaw, severe bleeding and a heavy concussion in combat.

The letter was recognized by AD . "By means of this message, I want to express my regret for the incident and personally apologize for the incident and the shame that it caused in the Netherlands and the people to the house, "he writes.

He continues the letter with: My only priority is to support the victim so that she can heal completely, so I also intend to financially support the victim's family. "

  Dutchman sorry to mistreat the server of Prague

The restaurant Polpo Photo: ANP

Personal beer

N .. and his brother Arash are in prison in the Czech Republic.In April, the two men were involved in the brawl that caused great outrage in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands.The Dutch mistreated a waiter on a terrace, after they were told that they were drinking their own beer

"It is very unfortunate that what had to be a nd boy bachelor party could have worked," he concludes. "I think I speak for everyone when I say that no d & # 39; 39, between us had gone out to end up in such a fight in a foreign country. "

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