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Today is Thursday and that means seven new challenges are available for Fortnite players. In Week 3 of Fortnite season 5 players must shoot the clay pigeon and look for crates, eliminate opponents and find a treasure map.

Epic Games has divided the challenges of Season 5 into two categories: Free and Battle Pass. The first three challenges can be completed for free, while for the other four, you need a Fortnite Season 5 combat pass. However, you only receive a 5000XP bonus for completing four challenges. Complete the Seven Challenges gives you access to the Blockbuster Weekly Challenge

Challenges Fortune 5, Week 3:

Free Challenges

  • Apply 500 Points of Damage to the Opponents – 5 Stars
    This is a challenge turn, because you must reach 500 damage in a single match. In Fortnite 500 points of damage equals 5 opponents
  • Using a Launchpad – 5 stars
    You must first find a Launchpad in the world and once you have done that, you will # 39, have more than use the object. This challenge has more to do with luck and will eventually be completed without problems.
  • Follow the treasure map found in Flush Factory – 10 stars
    The treasure map can be found in Flush Factory in week 3. Do not want to search for the treasure map? See Treasure Site Here

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Find Seven Crates In Deadly Fields – 5 Stars
    Fly directly from the combat bus to deadly fields and search for seven crates.
  • Shooting a clay pigeon at different places – 5 stars
    Epic Games added clay pigeon shooting machines to Fortnite and the goal is to hit a pigeon d & # 39, clay at five different places. See locations of all clay pigeon shooting machines
  • Eliminate 5 opponents in Haunted Hills – 10 stars
    In Haunted Hills there are usually enough weapons to find and give the challenge this week, you'll have little trouble making opponents
  • Eliminate 3 opponents with explosive weapons – 10 stars
    Search for an explosive weapon and cast a total of three opponents

Check out the other challenges of Fortnite Season 5 :

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