"Ecuador will end the action of Wikileaks leader Assange"


Ecuador is about to release WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange from his embassy in London. President Moreno would work on an agreement with the United Kingdom, writes the American research site The Intercept . According to the site, the withdrawal can be completed at the earliest next week.

President Lenin Moreno was in the UK Friday to finalize the deal, according to journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept . Assange has been at the Embassy of Ecuador in London for six years, where he first fled to prevent him from being extradited to Sweden. The Swedish public prosecutor suspected him of having beaten a Swede, but filed the case in May 2017.

The founder of WikiLeaks fears that once in the hands of the authorities, his extradition to the United States United States becomes a formality. In the UK, there is still a arrest warrant against Assange: he may be sentenced to three months in prison because he did not come to the court to obtain his extradition.

Assange fears to be persecuted in the United States whistleblower site WikiLeaks. Mike Pompeo – then director of the CIA and now secretary of state – said in April 2017 that "WikiLeaks behaves like a hostile intelligence service". The Americans want to sue Assange for publishing at least 250,000 confidential diplomatic documents surrounding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Justice Minister Jeff Sessions has described Assange's arrest last year as "priority".

Democrats claim millions from Russia, [Trump] and WikiLeaks .


Ecuador is in Assange's stomach for years. In 2012, the country granted Assange political asylum. Since then, he lives at the Embassy of Ecuador in London.

Recently, Spain has imposed diplomatic pressure on the South American country. Assange's critical statements and encounters with Catalan separatism are a thorn in the eyes of Spain. Ecuadorian President Moreno warned Assange to stay out of politics several times. In March, Assange lost access to the Internet after new statements about the situation in Spain

The US special prosecutor Robert Mueller revealed last week that Guccifer 2.0 and DNCLeaks – anonymous Internet characters hacking the servers of Democrats and seizing sensitive documents were managed by the Russian intelligence service GROe. Wikileaks has released some of this stolen information in the run-up to the US presidential election in 2016. Assange has always denied that the Russian intelligence service was behind these accounts.

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