Egyptian court sentenced 75 activists to death


A Kairo court sentenced 75 people to death Saturday for their role in the presidential protests in 2013. Among the convicts are members of the now banned Muslim Brotherhood, reports the Reuters news agency. Another 660 others will be brought to justice in a month and a half.

The protests five years ago were organized in support of Mohammed Morsi, the former Islamic president who had just been deposed by the army. The action was brutally ended by the security services. In addition, hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters were killed. Dozens of police officers have also died.

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The people who are currently being tried, according to the AP news agency, are being tried for various crimes, including murder but also destruction. Mohammed Badie, spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, is one of the suspects. Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid is also facing a conviction.

The cases of the 75 convicts were returned to the grandmother Shawki Allam, the highest ecclesiastic in the country. He must give advice before an execution can be performed. According to AP, the grandmother is generally in agreement with the verdict of a court.

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