EI leaves more than two hundred mass graves in Iraq Now


In Iraq, more than two hundred mass graves containing casualties of the Islamic State (IS) were discovered, according to a report released Tuesday by the United Nations. The graves were discovered in areas previously under the authority of the terrorist group.

According to the UN, thousands of bodies belong to Iraqi soldiers and agents, among others. The remains of children, women and the elderly were also found in the 202 burials.

Burials were discovered in the northern and western provinces of Nineveh, Kirkuk, Salah Al Din, and Anbar. "There can be many more," according to the UN. The country's authorities are still picking up the specimens and identifying the bodies.

It is still unknown how many people are buried in the mass graves. The smallest and largest tomb is in the city of Mosul. In a tomb to the west of the square are eight bodies. In the south of Mosul, a pit has been discovered, which could contain thousands of victims.

33,000 civilians were killed during the occupation.

IS proclaimed the caliphate and jihad more than four years ago in Mosul. From June 2014 to December 2017, the group has occupied vast areas of Iraq. According to the UN, nearly 33,000 civilians were killed during this period. At the same time, hundreds of ISIS fighters have been sentenced to death or imprisonment by Iraqi courts.

The IS also owned Syrian territories, but also lost them in 2017. At the end of last month, the warriors took over the territories located in the east of the country. 19659003] Do you want to know immediately every morning what you missed during the night and what will happen on that day? Subscribe now to our newsletter C & # 39; s newsletter is the information!

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