Eindhoven, of course, better than Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the biggest economic growth


EINDHOVEN – Brabant is doing well economically and Eindhoven is now a forerunner. Not Amsterdam or Rotterdam, but the city of light has the fastest growing economy in all major cities. The economy of the municipality of Eindhoven increased by 4.6% in 2017. The national average is 2.9%. That's what comes out of a new study from Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

The growth of the Eindhoven municipality is mainly due to the high-tech industry of the city, says Pieter Hein van Mulligen, chief economist of Statistics Netherlands. The sector is a major exporter and is making headway in the growth of the global economy. "They benefit in particular from the economic growth in Germany."

This reliance on exports abroad also makes growth vulnerable, warns Van Mulligen. "It's a branch that is growing faster if all goes well, but that's getting harder if it goes down." And with the political surprises of US President Trump, which has recently caused a surge in the industry's business sector. steel by imposing taxes on the import, it is exciting.

Much Confidence
Nevertheless, trust among many entrepreneurs in the sector is very high, says Van Mulligen. "Entrepreneurs in the region are sure of themselves, they are much more positive than their colleagues in other parts of the country."

Statistics Netherlands has already shown that the region of Eindhoven is particularly well in economic terms.

Published: Thursday, July 5, 2018 – 10: 22
Modified: Thursday, July 5, 2018 – 10:35
Author: der Valk Tobias van
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