"Elucidation about Leersum busterreur asylum seekers"


The problems that Leersum asylum seekers pose on bus 50 have also reached the policy. The PVV parliamentary party submitted written questions to the provincial government.

RTV Utrecht reported yesterday that Syntus drivers are anxiously driving because of threats and nuisances. Asylum seekers try to travel for free because they can no longer pay in cash. Groups of ten people enter the bus at once, making verification impossible. Some drivers were now passing by the center for asylum seekers when he was busy.

The PVV wants to know, how often a report has been filed, whether there is a camera surveillance in the bus and whether the perpetrators can be transferred. an 'aso-azc', where they can not finish the field. In addition, the party wishes to know what measures the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (ACO) has taken in practice.

Video footage shows how drivers and passengers are mistreated and threatened. ? Mail to [email protected]

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