Emmen notes a deficit of one million, while the loss of uncultivated land still needs to be collected – Drenthe – DVHN.nl


The municipality of Emmen must again face severe setbacks. Not a shortfall of 4 million euros, while there is barely a month was thought, but 8 million. It is here that the loss of millions of wild lands is yet to come.

The municipality receives less money from the central government. The help to youth turns out to be more expensive, less money comes from the parking and losses of the Access Foundation.

this does not remain, because the alderman Jisse Otter (Wakker Emmen) expects further setbacks because of Wildlands, which announced Friday the closing of this year with a deficit of 8 million . "Wildlands has contacted all the financiers, including the municipality of Emmen." At the beginning of next year, I hope to see how much this loss will cost to the municipality. "" Emmen is by far the biggest backer The Municipality has 59 million euros in the park, in the form of loans, shares and a guarantee.

Only in the area

Because of the new shortages, Emmen has to take the necessary place.All kinds of new projects that were proudly presented a month ago are suddenly under discussion or end up in the refrigerator.These include investments in infrastructure (zone from the train station, Boermarkeweg, Emmen-Klazienaveen road), the Rensenpark approach, the new anti-poverty policy presented just a few days ago and funds for the energy transition (such as early repayment loans). According to the opposition parties, it makes no sense to approve the budget as it is on the table this week. "After all, there are all kinds of new projects that can not be implemented because of the new setbacks," says VVD Group President Johan Scheltens. "If you do, the city council will give a carte blanche to the college," said party chairman Henk Huttinga of ChristenUnie.

CDA party chairman, Auke Oldebeuving: "The budget needs to be determined, but with an adjusted decision, and do not make new investments in advance and consider it as sodomite to cut. 39;

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