"EO threatens NPO with legal measures for discounts & # 39;


The director of EO Arjan Lock is planning to take legal action against the NPO because of planned cuts in philosophical programs. That's what he says in the AD. The budget of these programs would be more than halved from more than 9 million to about 4 million euros, he appeared after several talks with NPO director Frans Klein.

According to Lock, the arguments do not matter anymore and the EO is counting the cuts hit disproportionately. According to him, he touches the diversity of the order and the heart of the broadcaster. "I have not yet had the courage to calculate it, but it does involve a considerable number of jobs."

He wants the global nonprofit to adjust the plans for tomorrow night, otherwise he wants to organize the protest in one way or another. "And yes, I will seriously consider taking legal action," he says in the journal

NPO's answer: "disappointment inevitably inevitable"

Programs that would waste a lot of antenna time are ] The Great Bible Quiz ] Van Harte and From Verandering . The financing of the EO Youth Day and the event in the Netherlands Zingt is also at risk. These are mainly paid by the MOE itself, but part of the budget is borne by the non-profit organization. This part is also likely to disappear.

The plans are not yet final. That's what Minister Slob has said just now: the NPO says in a reaction that the Minister of Education, Culture and Science has announced a drastic reduction which will seriously affect programming in many areas. "We are talking to broadcasters about how we will manage this reduction in 2019, while updating our programming." According to the NPO, this process has not yet been finalized, but it is "inevitably inevitable that broadcasters and directors are disappointed"

Other Times

Last week, there was already dissatisfaction with planned cuts in journalistic programs Times and Brandpunt . The public broadcaster is threatening to cut about 60 million euros in total because of declining advertising revenue.

Paul Römer, former head of the NTR, called on viewers to denounce the cuts. This week, he launched another call for a radical change in the public broadcaster's system, under which member companies should become production companies. The chairman of the executive board of the NPO, Shula Rijxman, also warned of drastic consequences.

The House of Representatives debate the media budget Wednesday.

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