Erdogan: the highest responsible officials in Saudi Arabia


The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi a month ago took place at the "highest levels" of Saudi Arabia, but King Salman did not know it. This is the conclusion of Turkish President Recep Erdogan in a letter sent Friday to The Washington Post former employer of the Saudi journalist. Erdogan still does not comment on Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi Crown Prince who may have given the order.

Although Erdogan stated earlier that it was a planned murder, it is the first time that the head of the Turkish state is clearly refers to the Saudi state. He wishes to emphasize that Saudi Arabia and Turkey "maintain friendly relations". Erdogan "does not believe for a second" that King Salman was involved.

According to Turkish justice, Khashoggi was strangled and dismembered shortly after entering the Istanbul consulate. Earlier, a special Saudi team of eighteen men arrived by plane. It is unclear what happened to his body, an Erdogan advisor said Friday, suspecting that his excess was dissolved in acid. Saudi Arabia admitted that the journalist had been killed at the consulate, which would have happened accidentally during an uncontrollable battle.

See also: "It was a planned and macabre political murder"

"Khashoggi deserves a proper burial"

The murder of the former chronicler and criticism of the Saudi regime is "not according to Erdogan." He also asks for clarification on what happened to the journalist's body.Khashoggi deserves "at least" an appropriate Islamic burial, says Erdogan. Turkish state, the Saudi authorities refuse to give the necessary answers. "No one should dare to do this on land with a NATO ally," concludes Erdogan. "If anyone decides to ignore this warning, there will be consequences. "

The issue was forced not only for the United States, where Khashoggi lived, but also for Turkey in a difficult situation.Riad is an important partner in the region of Ankara, so it was the question of how Erdogan would react to the murder of Turkish soil. By designating the "highest levels" without accusing the king himself, Turkey can somehow protect cooperation between the two countries.

Mohammed bin Salman is still not directly accused by Turkey. A presidential adviser recently said that the crown prince had "blood on his hands".

Khashoggi's fiancée, who was in front of the consulate after his assassination, claimed justice on Friday in various media outlets. "It is up to the international community to bring those responsible to justice, and of all nations, the United States must take the lead."

Read the translation of the last column of Khashoggi in The Washington Post : A Free Press Available to the Arab World

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