European companies are hit by sanctions against Iran – The Daily Standard


The United States does not seem to have so with their allies lately. If we look at the sanctions on European products, or the embarrassing state visits of Donald Trump in European countries, there are many examples. The relationship between the United States and the EU is further tempered by the US rejection of the demand of European countries to give European companies in Iran an exceptional position in the sanctions that currently apply. .

In a response to Europe, Foreign Affairs Minister Mike Pompeo and Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin write that they do not agree with the protection of business European. Exceptions are made only if national security or human rights are at stake.

Pompeo also warned earlier that the United States intended to punish European companies that continue to do business with Iran. "I know our allies in Europe are trying to respect the old nuclear deal with Tehran, it's their decision, they know what our point of view is."

You have to give it to the Americans, they are consistent. No ambiguous language, but frankness and sincerity towards their allies. That this can be very bot and raw, that they take for granted. In any case, this causes international tensions at a time when the West must actually work more closely together.

The West loses its position in the world, its power and influence. It is not with the intention that the United States and the European Union are doing each other like a bunch of schoolchildren. In this way, they help each other and other countries can use it. I do not mean that any form of politics should be taken for granted, so that the influence of the West does not diminish. A critical eye is always good and must be acted on, but the way determines whether there is understanding or not. Mutual respect is a must.

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